Here's a few new things about Isaac...
He knows the letters I S A A C spell Isaac.
He LOVES zuzic (music). He's always singing something (even if it's something he's made up). He likes playing music on anything - his toy guitar, drumming on his buckets, Grandma's piano, a xylophone, anything.
He's pretty good at kicking a soccer ball. May have a soccer player on my hands!
He is obsessed with brushing his teeth and washing his hands. Every time we go into the bathroom, he asks to brush his teeth and wash his hands.
He also loves bathtime. Guess we have a water theme going. He LOVES to splash all over the place. Bathtime would be an all day event if I'd let him stay in there. He's also learning to wash himself.
Every time I tie his shoes, I repeat this: Under the bridge, pull it tight, Bunny ear, round the tree, through the hole, pull it tight. I have no idea where I got that from, probably made it up myself, but he's learning it. So now each time I tie his shoes, he's started saying it too. Should make it easy for him to learn how to do it himself someday.
Potty training is a work in progress, but he's doing very well.
He likes to help me vacuum. His aunt gave him a push popper for his first birthday, so sometimes he'll go around behind me or beside me with it, or he'll hold onto the vacuum handle and help me push it. If only I could get him to dust!
He loves books. There for a while, his fascination was more about eating them than reading them, but now he could sit for a long while and read his books. He's got about 30 lined up on his toy box. His favorites are The Cat in the Hat, Fox in Socks, and two Christmas books - Pooh's Christmas and one with Clifford the Big Red Dog at Christmas. He can recite the first few pages of one of the easiest ones, The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss. Left foot, left foot, left foot, right...
He's growing like a weed! In September he was 35-36" inches, and today he's nearly 38" and 34.5 lbs.
Can you tell he's my pride and joy??? :)
LOVED this post! I have been horrible with blogging lately. So good to hear all the updates on Isaac and I love to see pictures of him too!
So cute! I've been wanting to do this with Joci for a while, but it seems like I barely have time to do pics these days!
They are growing so fast!!
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