Monday, April 26, 2010

Silly naps

Several months ago, Isaac decided he did not need a nap during the day. I would put him down each day at a regularly scheduled time, and he started taking longer and longer to get to sleep. On top of that, if he took a 2 hour nap, it would take him 2 hours longer at night to get to sleep. This made for several nights when he didn't get to sleep until 10pm. Not good. So I cut out his naps all together. Problem solved! He returned to his normal wake time (7-7:30am) and his normal sleep time (8-8:30pm).

Just recently, he began randomly falling asleep during the middle of the day again. Since I haven't been putting him down for a scheduled nap, these random naps have taken place in different locations, and in some pretty silly poses....

I even have a picture on my phone of him asleep leaning on my purse while sitting in the buggy at the grocery store!

I think I'll continue letting him nap when he wants/needs to, and not when he doesn't. It seems to be working pretty well for us, for now.


Deanna said...

That's too funny and too cute!

Robin said...

How sweet! I love it when they fall asleep where I can see them. Very rare around here! He's adorable!!