Thursday, July 22, 2010

Weekend at Grandma's - Part 2

These are all from Isaac's second weekend with Grandma...

Playing in the sprinkler. He's always hated getting sprayed in the face. Maybe he's getting brave now.

Such a cute face. He loves playing with this new (old) airplane toy. You pull the handle down and it lifts the plane up and flies it in a circle, complete with sound effects.

Mom has a soft sided toy box for all his little toys. She also has a blow up ball pit. Well, he decided this time to put all the balls in the toy box and sit in it!

There's an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse where Goofy is building a "birdie house". Isaac built this birdie house while singing the song from the show. He even added a birdie! Cute!

Thank you, Mom, for keeping Isaac so Ben and I could have some time to ourselves. This was our view of the lake from the lounge chairs. We had so much fun without having to worry about who was watching him, what trouble he was getting into, or if it was time to leave so he could nap. We love him to death, but a couple days to ourselves does Momma and Daddy good! Isaac loves staying with you and talks about Grandma for days after he gets home.

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