Friday, September 3, 2010

Been busy...

We have had a busy couple months around here. Nothing too terribly special, just been busy. Here are some of things we've been up to...

Isaac playing with his play-dough. He loves it. I rolled the colors out, and made the two a's, but he shaped and placed the I, s, and c.

Ben bought a new wakeboard on craigslist. Isaac has seen daddy on the boards several times this summer, so he knows how it's supposed to work. He put his feet in the straps, then looked at me and said "I'm ready to go!" Maybe next year, bud!

This is a little tricycle Papa got for Isaac. He rode it around like a champ on dad's tile floors. Once we got it back to our house, it took a few days to master riding it on the carpet, but he's a pro now. We look forward to passing it back to dad for the younger cousins to enjoy next summer.

Mom found a 14" bicycle for free on free-cycle. So one weekend when we were visiting, we got him all suited up in his knee pads, elbow pads, and helmet...

...and tried it out. We decided in the house would be best first, so this is him attempting to ride in her house. He'll have it down perfect by the time it's nice enough to ride next spring. Great find...and for FREE!

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