Thursday, January 27, 2011

7 weeks & Proud Momma moment

Today marks 7 weeks along in pregnancy #2. I looked back at my blog archives a couple weeks ago to walk down memory lane on my pregnancy with Isaac. I noted then, at 7 weeks, that morning sickness was really kicking my butt. Well, this pregnancy is no different. At 5 weeks I was fine, no nausea. At 6 weeks, it hit me like a ton of bricks. So, at 7 weeks, yes, it's kicking my butt again! Of course, it doesn't help that Isaac and I both have a really bad cold. Constantly wiping his nose turns my stomach worse than anything. But, I remind myself, this too shall pass. The cold will be gone soon (hopefully), and the morning sickness will only last 7-8 more weeks (ugh!).

On a lighter note, I have my first sonogram scheduled for next Thursday, 2/3/11. I'll get to see my baby, and hopefully hear the heart beat.

Isaac still doesn't really get what's going on. I tell him "momma has a baby in her tummy" to which he often replies "I have a baby Jesus in my tummy too!" But he is being very careful with me. He doesn't climb on me too rough, he jumps when I need to pick him up for something so I don't have to lift all of his 35 pounds of dead weight, and he's been more lovey dovey lately. He's always telling me and Ben how much he loves us, and how we're his best friends. Cute most of the time. A little overboard sometimes. I'll take it now though, before he turns into a teenager overnight who suddenly hates me. :)

Proud Momma moment of the month: Isaac is completely potty trained! Finally! Bye, bye, Pull Ups! It only took about 5 days. I switched him from Pull Ups to big boy undies, and after about 3 days he was having more successes than accidents, and by day 5 he was golden. He got a stomach bug and took a step backwards for a couple days, but was right back on track once he felt better. I'm so glad I don't have to worry or think about that anymore. I didn't realize how much that literally weighed on me, hoping my sweet stubborn child would get it before he starts a new preschool next year. Thanks, Lord, for the extra patience it took to make it through that week. It was more than worth it!!!

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