Friday, September 3, 2010

3 year stats and update

Isaac has his 3 year check-up a couple weeks ago, and I was anxious to see how much he had grown. He has consistently grown by leaps and bounds the last couple years, and this one was no different.

Height: 41" (well over the 100% - actually at the 50% for 4-1/2 year olds!)
Weight: 35.5 lbs (85% - not too skinny, but no pot belly either)

He is such a smart boy. I don't know what "the norm" is for his age, but here is a snapshot of some things he knows/does...

He can spell: Isaac, Momma, Daddy, cat, dog, fox, ball, boy, book, stop, go, yes, no

He can count to 20, recognizes numbers 0-10, and can count to 10 in spanish.

He knows approximately 10 colors.

He knows way too many songs to count or list! He loves music, and can stay on key and on correct pitch (Mom tested him on the piano). He even knows where middle C is on the piano!

According to him, his favorite color is blue, his favorite food is pb&j, his favorite song is Jesus Loves Me, his favorite game is kicking the ball.

He will be starting Parents Day Out next week, so we'll be sure to post pics of his first day then.

We love you, bud! Can't wait to see what this next year has in store for you.

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