Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas 2010, Part 1

Christmas for us lasts all month long. I love Christmas! It's my absolute favorite time of year. It does get hectic sometimes, but I always try to make it special.

This year, I purchased a book The Elf on the Shelf, which came with our own personal Elf. We named him Clyde. He flies back to the North Pole each night to tell Santa all the happenings of the day, and then flies back and sits in a new spot for the next day. Now, Santa and elves are not the only thing we are promoting at Christmas, but when kids are young, Santa is a fun part of the season.

We visited Santa and Mrs. Claus when he stopped in Wylie a few weekends ago. Isaac is not quite old enough to tell Santa he wants anything specific, so he just told him he wants all his favorite things. :)

Watching Daddy build a fire. We try to let him get just close enough to feel the heat so that he understands not to go any closer or it will burn. He loves to help Daddy.

This was Isaac's school Christmas party. His teacher brought pizza for the kids to eat, and they had a book exchange. They were all so cute in their Christmas get-ups.

The Hartin Family 2010

I didn't get to have our family picture made last year, so we were overdue for a new one. We are thankful that we have a super talented photographer/graphic artist in the family, Ben's sister Molly. This was taken at her house. I love it! She really did a great job. Thanks Molly!

More to come as we have the first of four, yes four, Christmas celebrations to attend this weekend!

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