Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Well, the first three months of this pregnancy have gone by, and none too soon if you ask me. It really seems like this pregnancy is crawling by. With Isaac it felt like time was flying and I was trying to catch up, but this time I'm the one saying "hurry up!" I want to get past the point where I just look fat and feel sluggish and sick, to the part where I have my energy back and can feel my baby kicking. Now that the first trimester is over, maybe things will start to move a little faster. We should find out the gender sometime the end of April.

Isaac has been quite the helper to me too. Each time I get sick, he pats me on the back and tells me he's sorry I feel bad, and that it will be okay. :) Such a sweet boy. He's still loving school, and now that it's getting warmer, maybe he won't miss so much due to being sick. We're looking forward to this summer when we can get out to the lake for some fun in the sun!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Hoping the sickness gets better real soon! Take care of yourself!