Monday, April 4, 2011

Growing up too fast...

Our little Isaac isn't so little anymore. I'm realizing this more and more every day. Not only is he growing like a weed, he's impressing me nearly daily with all the things he knows.

Watering the weed...ha! It's been pretty warm lately, so one day a couple weeks ago I got out the sprinkler and let him play in it. He still doesn't like to be sprayed in the face, so he avoided walking right through it, but he had a blast playing in the water. We'll have to do more of that as it starts getting really hot. I might actually have to join him myself!

This is a picture taken of Isaac's PDO class. It was taken sometime in September. As you can see, he's nearly a full head taller than some of the others in his class. He hasn't had a growth spurt since last summer, but the way he's been eating lately, I fully expect another one soon.

This is one of Isaac's first attempts to write his name. The first couple times, the A's looked more like A's instead of H's, but he's got plenty of time to perfect it. I love how he ran out of room, so he put the C on top, with a practice C on the bottom (both backwards, of course)!

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