Friday, April 15, 2011

Latest news

Not much news to report this time, so I'll just give a quick update. My doctors appointment this week went well. I'm at 18 weeks, and baby sounds good. Our sonogram is officially scheduled for April 27 at 4pm. We can't wait to find out what we're having! I'm finally feeling the baby move and wiggle some, though I don't feel much during the day when I'm busy with work and Isaac. Heartburn has become my greatest enemy these days. It fires up most, of course, when I eat tomato saucy stuff, or spicy things. But it fires up sometimes with no reason. Thanks to Dad, I'm now keeping a jar of pickle juice in the fridge at all times for relief. I'll probably post a belly pic in the next week or two, since I haven't done that yet.

Isaac gets to have his Easter party and egg hunt at school next week, so I'll post pics from it next weekend. I'm so glad he's in a PDO program at a church. I wasn't certain how to explain that Easter is the time when Jesus died on a cross, rose from the dead, and is in Heaven waiting for us to come join Him. I mean, how does a 3 year old understand rising from the dead? So we'll see how they explain it this next week, and I'll just go with that. Maybe he understands more than I think he can.

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