Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Sonogram of Baby #2

Here's the first look at our newest little baby. Now if you're like me, all you see is a white blob inside a black blob. Well, my Mom sees more. She actually sees the whole face, one arm, legs and tummy. After looking really closely, I think I can too.

The head is at the far left, looking up. The middle is where the heart was beating. And the far right is the butt/legs. I can kinda make out one eye and the start of a nose, but beyond that not much. It's only 1/2" long this week, but everything is starting to form so it doesn't look like a tadpole anymore.

Cute, isn't he/she!

I showed Isaac the picture of his little brother/sister, and he said "it's really little." And tonight, as he was getting ready for bed, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, then wanted to "kiss the baby too" so he kissed my tummy! I love it!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I can make out the little body parts on the sweet baby! Praying the nausea gets better quickly!