Thursday, August 18, 2011

36 Weeks

Today marks 36 weeks of pregnancy. Just 4 weeks to go. I don't think Piper will wait that long, but that's technically how long I have left. I had my OB appt yesterday, and was told that I'm at 1cm, but that Piper is still really high. So it could still be a couple weeks, or it could be today. You just never know. :)

We can't wait though. I'm so ready to meet our little girl, and for Isaac to meet his sister. Even Ben is ready to have her home.

Although, the thought of delivery is starting to make me a tad nervous. I know this is my second, and I sort of know how things work, but it's different every time. I had a very painful delivery with Isaac, one I do not wish to repeat, but everything happened while I was already in the hospital. My thoughts this time are, what if my water breaks at home during the day, and I have to load up Isaac and drive to the hospital by myself, or what if things progress so fast that I don't have enough time to get to the hospital. I'm sure these sound like stupid questions to most of you, but it's what I've been thinking about. I guess I just have to trust that everything will be just fine. Stupid me worrying about stupid stuff. :)

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